The process by which you learn a song will dictate how well you know the song, how fast you learn the song, and how long it stays in the short-term memory. In this course, you’ll learn the five-step process that I apply when learning every piece.
Ratings and Reviews
Warren does a good job of explaining why slowing down and breaking the learning process into manageable steps is a better and ultimately faster way to go about learning a new song.
The 5 Tips for Learning Songs resonates with me. Point #4 was most relevant to me because I have been guilty of trying to learn the whole song in one large bite over a period of time. It seems to me that learning sections of a song, one at a time, yields greater proficiency in playing the song and accompanying someone while singing a song.
I liked the entire course. It was good to know why it is so important to convert chords to numbers and how it will help with transposition and transposing. I liked that Warren explained how important it is to play with a backing track or a metronome.
Thanks Warren, very informative section on learning songs...these ideas in sequence is definitely something not to forget, especially on my side with learning songs without metronome/drumbeat just to struggle later to play along with drum beat...much appreciated.
All these tips Mr. Warren shared a valuable lessons for building a strong piano playing tower.