In this course, you’ll learn how to play arpeggios for the four primary triads; Major, Minor, Diminished, and Augment. You will learn the proper fingering technique for all keys, both left, and right hand. You will also learn my grouping method for making the learning and memorization process easy and effective.
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Ratings and Reviews
Hey Warren, I’m doing well and amazed at all I’ve learned in such a short time. I’ve put off really concentrating on arpeggios but now realize I can’t afford to do that any longer if I want to get to the next level and be a well-rounded musician. Thank you for the wisdom you share in every lesson, Dee Dee
Thorough, step by step and clear explanation of arpeggios and I love the pdf with fingering for all the keys. I'd like guidance included for efficient ways to practice arpeggios...ex: first be able to reliably do both hands at 130bpm (both regular plus going in opposite directions), before moving on to a new key?
This training took back to my college says where I studied Music as a major. It let me know that like riding a bike you never forget, however, it also let me know that if you are persistent with your training and playing, you will lose it. BE BLESSED STRESS LESS PRESS ON AND KEEP THE FAITH,,, THAT'S WHAT I DO ????????????
Hi @Kym,
The link to all the files is located above the video lessons. Here’s the link: